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Malaria is a disease in tropical regions transmitted by mosquitoes that may lead to symptoms like fever and headaches and could even result in coma or death if severe cases occur. It is noteworthy to mention that the likelihood of contracting malaria in areas where it’s prevalent is quite high; around 1 out of every 1 500 travellers coming back to the UK are diagnosed with malaria yearly. Data from 2015 indicates that there were a total of 1 400 reported cases of malaria among UK travellers during that year which resulted in six fatalities.

We offer a variety of anti-malaria options at our healthcare centres for you to choose from based on your consultation with our experienced nurses who will guide you on the right medication for your needs which can be bought on the spot.


When visiting a place where malaria is a concern and there is a risk of getting infected with the disease, you might be advised to take anti-malarial medication as a preventive measure. Additionally using insect repellent and mosquito nets can help enhance your safety level. The type of anti-malarial medication prescribed will depend upon factors such as your travel destination, medical background, family medical history current medications being taken, past experiences, with anti-malarial drugs, age and whether you are pregnant or not.
Understanding the risks is essential, for safeguarding yourself against illness; therefore make sure to consult with one of us before finalizing your travel arrangements.

Countries at Risk

Malaria continues to pose a health issue worldwide as per the World Health Organization data stating, around 243 million cases and nearly 1 million fatalities were linked to malaria in the year 2008.

To reduce the risk of malaria infection and ensure your safety during travel to affected regions, our clinic offers prescriptions of antimalaria medications at no additional cost, as part of your consultation process.

Travel Precautions

To prevent instances of malaria one can adhere to the ABCD approach.

  • Awareness of the dangers involved: Be cognisant of your susceptibility to malaria
  • Bite prevention: Try your best to steer clear of mosquitoes whenever possible.
  • Chemoprophylaxis: Remember to take the anti-malaria medication for prevention.
  • Diagnosis: Seek medical assistance if you experience any malarial symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms

Common signs of malaria include chills and shivering, spikes in body temperature, sweating, joint pain, nausea, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). Muscle spasms or convulsions may also occur in some cases. A hallmark indicator of malaria is the progression from chills or shaking to a feverish period, followed by sweating. In some cases, malaria can rapidly worsen, leading to unconsciousness or even death within hours or days. The disease poses significant risks, particularly to young children and pregnant women.